US politics

Calls for reparations lead the commemoration of Tulsa Massacre

US President Biden acknowledged during visit that "some injustices are so heinous… they cannot be buried"

Trump protest work recovered by FBI four years after being stolen by white supremacists

He Will Not Divide Us was subjected to multiple attacks from far-right extremists before being snatched in a raid in Tennessee in 2017

Economic reports reveal drastic loss of arts jobs in the US

In New York, two-thirds of posts in the creative sector are gone, while nearly a quarter of the workforce in Los Angeles has been cut

Dolly Parton turns down memorial statue in Tennessee, saying she doesn’t want to be ‘put on a pedestal’

Lawmakers introduced a bill last month to honour the country singer’s contributions to the state

Florida arts professor says she was targeted for work denouncing white supremacy in annual staff exhibition

The work has received pushback from Republican student groups who denounce the artist's decision to place the US flag on the floor


With the country labelled a ‘terror sponsor’ and the government claiming activists are CIA agents, Cuba's artists are stuck in the crossfire

Concerns for the cultural sector follow Trump’s parting shot at the country, and the Castro regime's growing efforts to discredit dissidents

In unanimous decision, Kinderhook zoning board recognises Nick Cave’s Truth Be Told is art not a sign

The village zoning board agreed with public and art world opinion that the vinyl text installation is “a political message in art”

Slowing the news: artists commissioned to document a US election year through the act of drawing

The final part of an exhibition, delayed by the unprecedented events of 2020, opens at the Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum

Arts researchers can help America overcome its toughest challenges

As the Biden-Harris administration begins to fill its leadership roles, it is vital that our federal government includes creative thinkers

Biden's repeal of US travel ban ‘changes the game’ for artists coming from Muslim-majority countries

Artistic Freedom Initiative group says the new executive order, overturning Trump's controversial rule, also allows artists to visit home “for the first time in years”

Can Biden's inauguration galvanise the US art world into finally taking action against climate change?

As new US president plans to tackle global warming on "an epic scale", green initiatives such as Galleries Commit are gaining steam


What will Biden-Harris do for the visual arts?

Plus, QAnon's origins in Italian conceptual art and Alphonse Mucha's Slav Epic

The art in Biden’s Oval Office reflects hope for a less divided America

The office includes an ode to Roosevelt and a sculpture by the Indigenous artist Allan Houser

At US Capitol, a new president and vice president greet 1859 painting with a rainbow theme

Painting by Black artist was chosen under Jill Biden’s guidance for a gift-giving ceremony

With powerful poem, Amanda Gorman sets the tone for Biden’s presidency

The 22-year-old Los Angeles poet was the youngest ever to deliver a recitation on Inauguration Day. Listen to and read her words here

In pictures: Donald Trump’s presidency as the art world saw it

As Trump leaves office, we look back at the legacy of his four years leading the US and how artists captured it


'A win for internationalism': what a Biden presidency will mean for the Chinese art world

Donald Trump's trade war and 'cold war mentality' led to uncertainty and a fractured relationship

Seesaw installation at US-Mexico border wins Design of the Year award

The joyful project became a counterpoint to the division and violence sown by the Trump administration

US Capitol riot: Pennsylvania artist charged with violent entry and disorderly conduct

Federal authorities have ordered Andrew Wrigley to turn over his passport and avoid travel to Washington, DC after posting selfies from the insurrection

QAnon: the Italian artists who may have inspired America's most dangerous conspiracy theory

An anonymous left-wing art group known in the 1990s as Luther Blissett are wondering what they have unwittingly helped create

Biden inauguration is largely virtual—but some live art is planned

A public art installation of 200,000 flags opens on the National Mall, as coronavirus and heightened security forces most events online

'Consigned to history': Trump Baby blimp donated to Museum of London collection

Creators of inflatable effigy hope work serves as a "reminder of the fight against the politics of hate" that took place during Trump's presidency

On eve of US inauguration, a chance to visit the president's office

Oval Office replica is a popular element of New-York Historical Society exhibition about the presidency

‘The house needs a cleaning’: Women artists gather to show the path forward on inauguration day

Inspired by the historic election of Kamala Harris as America’s first woman vice president, artists collaborate on a new online work presented by Creative Time


The white supremacist art at the heart of the US Capitol

Plus, a $2.2m Batman comic and the artists inspired by political theorist Hannah Arendt

Storming of US Capitol: art world condemns police hypocrisy in pro-Trump riot

Artists Dread Scott and Glenn Ligon among cultural figures pointing out stark contrast in how law enforcement handled the mob compared with Black Lives Matter protestors

Lone senator blocks US bills creating museums that would celebrate American Latinos and women

Utah Republican says that such museums would “divide an already divided nation”